
Prepping to survive a disaster, whether it is on an apocalypse level or simply one that makes things a little rough for a few months, requires careful ...

When you think about disaster or some event that leaves the world a more dangerous place than it already is, you probably think about hunkering down in your ...

Despite all the planning in the world, stuff happens. You may have a bug out bag packed with matches, a lighter and all kinds of good stuff, but what if you ...

Prepping for disaster includes learning valuable skills that will help sustain you for years to come should the world forever be off kilter. You need to know ...

Putting things in the basement, your closet or a pantry that will help you live after a major disaster is an excellent idea. Until you have to bug out. Then ...

Having a 3-day essentials kit can be a great idea and being prepared for certain emergencies can allow you to stay one step ahead of the rest. Remember, you ...

You want to survive through any emergency but understanding the necessary supplies can often be difficult. One source online tells you one thing and then ...

Having a survival kit ready and at hand can be so important when it comes to surviving an emergency situation. However, too many people don’t actually take the ...

Having to leave your home unexpectedly can be a nightmare for most. Your home is your castle and in your own it’s the safest place in the world. Unfortunately ...

Your first priority when a disaster hits would be to protect your family. Now, it doesn’t matter if you have children or just have your parents or ...

Civil unrest can be one of the most frightening times for millions and, worryingly, many factors can cause unrest. It can be a simple power cut, community ...

Being prepared to bug-out in a matter of minutes is crucial because when disaster strikes, you have very little time to organize what you need. Every minute ...
